Longsen Gao

AgMan Lab. Science & Technology Park, Albuquerque, NM 87106.


Be with a cute Alpaca in Cuenca, Ecuador

I’m now a third-year PhD student at AgMan Lab, University of New Mexico under the supervision of Prof. Rafael Fierro and co-supervision of Prof. Claus Danielson. Also, I’m now collaboratively working with CMU Robotics Institute leading by Prof. Howie Choset and TAMU Laser Lab leading by Prof. Manoranjan Majji in space robotics filed.

My research interest focus on high-DOF robotics manipulation, control system and machine learning. Currently, I’m focusing on space servicing and repairing project leveraging multi-robot arm system and learning-based control algorithm. Besides, I’m passionate about vision-based grasping work and am now working on a vision-based pre-capturing project for free-flying space objects.

During my undergraduate study, before I became a PhD student, my life was almost entire of robotics, and most of the time, I stayed with different kinds of DIY robotics systems I designed and programmed. I participated in lots of national robotics competitions and won lots of national awards in various robotics competitions like bionic robotics, bipedal robotics, flying robotics, etc. When I started to get into robotics, I played with different kinds of 32-bit (STM32F1 series, STM32F4 series, NXP Kinetis) and 64-bit micro-controller(STM32H7 series, MSP430 series) using C and Python combined with different kinds of sensors(GPS, OpenMV, MPU, Infrared, smoking, force and torque sensor, etc) and actuators(servo motor, brush DC motor, brushless DC motor, etc). Also, I was, am and will be a GEEK 🙉 of fantastic and functional embedded systems and design lots of DIY embedded systems. More than five years of hands-on practice experience in both hardware and software made me deep into my truly loved field and get a complete understanding of robotics.


Aug 07, 2024 Thanks TechXplore report our research work! We are so glad the our research was reported by a worldwide influential science and technology press! The detail can be found here.
Jul 24, 2024 Our paper “Adaptive Robot Detumbling of a Non-Rigid Satellite” was accepted by CDC 2024! Congratulation!! :sparkles: :confetti_ball:
Jul 01, 2024 Our paper “Decentralized Adaptive Aerospace Transportation of Unknown Loads Using A Team of Robots” was accepted by DARS 2024! Congratulation!! :sparkles: :confetti_ball:
May 20, 2024 Congratulation! My first research proposal related Space robotics manipualtion was funded by OpenAI! ​Many thanks OpenAI support our research work!:sparkles::confetti_ball:
Oct 20, 2023 Oral report in the second annual sponsor meeting for our SURI project progress in CMU Robotics Institute! Say hello to Pittsburgh! Also thanks Prof. Howie and Dr.Geordan! :smile:

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